Appointments System

Telephone lines and surgery are open from 08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday. For appointments to see the doctor or nurse please call at our reception or telephone 01642 511660 - Low Grange Health Village or 01642 374788 Manor House site


From April 2022 we have upgraded our telephone system and introduced a automated service called Voice Connect.  This allows you to book, change and cancel appointments.  There are no queues and has the added benefit of freeing up reception staff to deal with patients that need to speak to them.

To use this service ring - 01642 927133


Although we will try to offer patients an appointment with the doctor of their choice this may not always be possible, in which case an explanation will be given. Generally there are a number of pre-bookable appointments available with each doctor on a daily basis and also the nurse practitioner.  The practice nurse appointments can be booked in advance.

Please remember that an appointment is for one person only and a separate appointment should be made for any other persons attending for consultation.

Extended Practice Opening Hours

We also offer extended hours for patients who cannot attend during normal surgery hours because of work commitments or other reasons. Pre-bookable appointments can be arranged on an evening and a Saturday. 


If you require urgent medical assistance after hours contact 999 or for medical assistance which cannot wait until the practice is open contact -  111


Home Visits

If possible please try to telephone reception before 11am if you require a home visit.

A doctor or nurse may phone you back as it may be that your problem can be dealt with by telephone advice, or that it would be more appropriate to send a nurse, or indeed arrange a hospital attendance.

House visits are only available for patients who are housebound because of illness or disability.

Please remember that several patients can be seen in the practice in the time that it takes to make one home visit. There are also better facilities for examining and treating patients at the Health Centre.


When attending the surgery, a clinician may need to examine you. Occasionally this may involve an examination of intimate areas. We understand that this can be stressful and you may feel more comfortable with a chaperone. If you would like a chaperone please ask when you book  your appointment or when  you are in with the clinician.

 If this sort of examination is necessary the Clinician will explain:

  • why the examination is necessary and give you the opportunity to ask questions  
  • what the examination will involve  
  • ask your permission before carrying out the examination  
  • offer to have a chaperone present during the examination 

At all times the Clinician will respect your privacy during the examination and while dressing and undressing 

 What is a chaperone?    

A chaperone is a person usually a nurse whose role is to act as a witness as a safeguard for both parties during a medical examination or procedure.  They are trained to undertake this role.

If you have any questions or concerns about intimate examinations or chaperoning, please do not hesitate to ask one of the doctors or nurses. 

Cancel an Appointment

In an average month the surgery offers over 8,000 doctor or nurse appointments of which approximately 300 are missed due to patients not attending. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to keep an appointment so that the time may be utilised by others.  If you do not attend 3 appointments in a 6 month period you may be asked to register at another surgery.


Text Reminder Service

We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.

To have this service you will need to register by completing a consent form.

Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.

Opening Times

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